Lusi mahadewi
Lusi mahadewi

Mwasa Mimine (France) Heather Doherty and Hazel (Mass, U.S.) Anton Hoppins Hobbles Gonzalez Tippi Rathke Mocha Chip Carey Ciarán Moylan (New Zealand) Snidely Watson Gato Fierro Gonzalez (Chile) Michelle Webster and Puffin Webster (Australia) Polly Elgato Bob TheTomato (South Carolina, U.S.) Sam Cat Furrycoat (London, U.K.) Evelyne Jeanette Chezum (California, U.S.) Branston Cat Ashlee Lee (Ontario, Canada) (Wisconsin, U.S.) Kat Bengalcatdomination Chi Chi Wonder Cat (Australia) Scooby Doo Kennedy Sheri Kline (Colorado, U.S.): Emacs Gee (Utah, U.S.) Elsie Fallualah Graves (Virginia, U.S.) Oscar Catto (Bristol, U.K.) Pantaloons La Poodle Smudgie Hb Matthews (Leeds, U.K.) Buu Vaughn (Kentucky, U.S.) Patricia Melton (Texas, U.S.) Riško Zipser (Slovakia) Milaine Pisani (Malta) Isabelle Freitas Lisa Butler Cathy Green (London) Angelina Leung with Rusty, Rudy, Max & Misty (Hong Kong) Bas Tet Sab Nipper Cat (Manchester, U.K.) Xana Herrera Garcia Mira Mahadewi Angel Hope Eddlemon (Georgia, U.S.) Molly W. At a time when the news brings us all the scariest of images and almost unrelenting negativity, it’s wonderful to have positive influence like you to uplift and encourage us with with love and compassion. I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to you for all you have meant to me and mummy, to the twitterverse and to the world at large. If anyone hasn’t participated they should really give it a try!”ĭear Dana. The power of good thought is very real, look at all the good we do in CC’s purrs4peace, which is a wonderful and most thoughtful weekly event. It’s a blog for all of us, I am just the curator. So every day I would check the pawcircle hashtag # to see who we needed to send our good thoughts to, then I started getting requests to put someone on the #pawcircle! From that it evolved into the Pawcircle blog, so there was one place we could all go to see who needed our good healing thoughts. I began RTing them as I wanted them to know I was thinking about them. In my meanderings on twitter I would see tweets that were requesting a pawcircle for an anipal who was not feeling well, hurt, or sadly going to the RB. I did not start the ‘Pawcircle’, that was created by BigBoyBosco who came up with the idea of ‘raising of the paws together’ or Pawcircle.

lusi mahadewi

Dana’s cat Jonathan is pictured above.>Īlthough now have no pets at this time, there is no dog or kitty that goes unpetted if I am around! J One day soon I will add a four-legged furbaby to my family. I, sadly, lost my last dear cat Jonathan, a long hair silver tabby, to the RB a few years ago. One thing lead to another and now most of those I follow are four-legged! I know now that these are ‘Anipals’. While looking around at who was on there I was delighted to see that there were animals (and what an expressive group there were!) and started following some. “I have been on twitter for a little over a year. Now I’ll turn this post over to Dana so she can tell you more about herself and her blog. ( ) I love the motto of the site: “A healing place for Anipals and their friends who need our good thoughts.” In fact, Dana is behind one of the most positive blogs on the internet, called the Pawcircle. Dana always seems to be there on Twitter when someone needs uplifting.

lusi mahadewi

Dana was one of the magnificent friends who helped mummy and me survive my recent health trauma through the love positive energies expressed on Twitter and Facebook.

lusi mahadewi

What an impressive human! Dana has not only been a supporter of project but also a loving friend to C.C. Dana’s bio on Twitter says that she is a cyclist, runner, triathlete, marathoner, Boston 09 finisher, XC and alpine skier as well as an animal lover.

lusi mahadewi

This week Confucius Cat is pleased to recognize a human who has been a devoted #purrs4peace supporter since its inception almost a year ago: Dana Moody.

Lusi mahadewi